Thursday, February 19, 2009

Is it Cinco De Mayo yet????

Is it Cinco De Mayo yet????

Hangin Around

Here are somemore recent photos around the house....with Rachael.....our "nature" walk .....and with Grammy in his Valentine PJ's

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

4 Generations

Grant was the only one with pics with Grandpa Mecomber----she was too busy with her cousin Lexie to stop and take a picture. Here are some pics of Grant meeting his Great Grandfather for the first time and some pictures with his Great Grandma Billman

Friday, February 13, 2009

It's Almost Valentines Day

Valentines favorite time of year (no really this is my absolute FAVORITE TIME of year). I know this may sound crazy but I LOVE to see red, pink, and white everywhere ...Target....Wal Mart...Bi-Lo (our local grocery store)....I just love it...I always have. It puts me back in time when I was little....valentine boxes to take to school that we Billmans were not so crafty at (my box never won a prize) but it was so much fun to make (it usually was a family effort)... and picking the absolute right valentines to take to school the next day (this was important stuff)...I always aimed for the most unique that I thought no one else would get duplicates of (this of course never happened...Wal-Mart just doesn't have that kind of variety ok...) and knowing that I was always going to get a little red bag of some sort with STUFF in it.....I LOVED IT!!!!!! It didn't really matter what was in that little red bag with hearts all over was just the fact that there was something "Valentines" in there and really sappy sweet card from my parents that I would keep propped up on my dresser for like a month after Valentines Day (follow know what I'm talking about....because you did it too!) I remember that my brother and I simply could not wait to see what cards my Mom and Dad got for one another .....because we always knew there would be a big Pop Up in the middle ....and of course there always was (this was sort of a tradition between the two of them). True....there are many that say "Valentines is just a holiday that is a SCAM and over priced that was made up a long time ago to get people to buy things....its a materialistic holiday." you can probably guess I couldn't disagree more!!!!!!! I love watching people get balloons and roses and singing grams and all of that stuff... and watching their face light up when they get them.....don't you? And then after you get home from school you would get out that little box that you crammed all of your valentines into and you would go through them (like a million times)...and take all the little suckers off of the ones that had them and just go through card after card after card after card. I love Valentines Day!!!!! It was not until I met my husband that I found out that not everyone makes a big deal out of Valentines Day like some of us you can imagine this totally sent me into a state of shock (I couldn't believe it).....but his family growing up when he was young really just didn't make a big deal over since of course he has met me and now married me.....this is ALWAYS a tradition...and we will ALWAYS give something to one another in appreciation and out of LOVE......I try to look for the perfect card every year for this holiday and have been known to spend an hour in front of that long stock of cards just reading and thinking and thinking and thinking. until finally I find the one I'm looking for. I hope you have a wonderful Valentines Day!!! XOXOXOX .....and all that lovey dovey stuff I love!!!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Just a Swingin

Going Bananas!

Ok so here are some things that they just don't simply tell you in the pediatricians office. Bananas for example, Grant started on his fruits this past weekend and we thought Bananas and Pears would be a good start. At the beginning of the day, I decided to feed Grant some bananas ( on Gerber box it states...ripe bananas)...there is nothing on the box that states do not feed bananas by themselves as a I feed Grant bananas for his first meal (breakfast). After a couple of hours go by I smell this horrid stench coming from Grant's I then check his diaper and OH MY GOSH!!!!! We were squirting yellowish poop EVERYWHERE and we keep going and going and going...He was like the Poop Energizer Bunny. I change his diaper and get him all nice and clean....when another hour passed by......OH MY GOSH AGAIN......we do it again....and so for the rest of the day I felt like after every diaper change I needed a shower.....There is one thing about baby lingers FOREVER! I constantly feel like I smell like Similac (baby formula) and poop (this mixture combined is definately NOT an attractive scent. My question is "Why in the World do they not tell you this in the Doctor's office...and why in the world do they not say something on the box!!!!! I have now learned my lesson after phoning good ol' Mom to only find out that you only give them a little bit (don't let them eat just bananas ...instead let them eat another food (like a vegetable) and a little bit of bananas. I have learned my lesson.....Banana poop REALLY REALLY STINKS!!!!!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Rasberry Contest

This is HILARIOUS....Daddy and Grant having a dualing Rasberry Contest. I think Grant won but it was a close tie!

Friday, February 6, 2009


Free Counter

Caught on Tape.....Rolling.....Rolling

Here are some recent pictures of the family.

Crazy Week....Sick...Periods...What Next?

Well this is our very first entry in the official "Mecomber Blog". We invite you to follow along on our family journey.

This week has been a crazy week!!!! Grant and I decided to scoot up to Illinois for the weekend by ourselves while Daddy and Rachael spent some time at Nana and Papa's. Brian was attending a concert (AC/DC) in Nashville that he had been dying to go see for quite some time (as you can imagine this is not my cup of tea...I'm a pop (Top 40) type of gal. Grant and I traveled for the first time by ourselves while Grammy and Poppy met us half way in Clarksville so that Grammy could help occupy Grant on the rest of the way up to Illinois. We saw the remnant's of the ice storm that passed through Paducah and Harrisburg. To make the long story short Grant and I got back on Monday and later discovered that he wasn't feeling well and was running a temperature of a 102.7. Rachael had also began to run a temperature and had not been feeling well since earlier that now I have two kids sick... sick... sick. I took Grant to his pediatrician the next day as the temperature would simply not break to find out that he must have contracted a virus bug somewhere. Grant has been the "boy in the bubble" this week until he gets to feeling better (he is getting better and eating much better now). Last night...Rachael phones me as I am at Walgreens getting her medicine....."Mom, I think I got my period!" As you can imagine....I am a little on edge as I have had two kids sick this week and then the news.....the P we are working with that right now. I cannot complain as I am very blessed to be a Mom.....not all women can say that and really wish they could be. When it rains it pours sometimes......but there is always a rainbow right around the corner.